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I don’t think I can bring myself to eat this divine toffee apple- partly because it just looks so beautiful but partly because I think I’d be sick. I’ve already eaten my way through one show bag, the other is staring languorously at me from the kitchen bench.

I haven’t been to the show since I was about 11, so I set about buying all the things I used to have as a child when my parents would take my brother and I.

I bought him a Phantom comic showbag, myself a Kewpie fairy doll, toffee apple, fairy floss and of course, a Bertie Beetle show bag. I had soooooo much fun!

In other news, I have made the final nominations of the Nuff Nang annual Asia Pacific blog awards. I am super, super excited about this, it’s the first major award for the blog and after three years at it I am really proud.