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From bad blogger to sick blogger: Can’t win a trick!

The blog has suffered a little bit lately but only because I’ve had a bad run of luck health wise. I mentioned two weeks ago that I’d had a nasty accident and I haven’t really been 100% since then, however I feel like with a bit more rest I will well and truly be on the mend in no time.

In a nutshell, I smashed into a glass door/wall and ended up in emergency. My nose isn’t broken thank sweet baby jesus in his christmas crib but there was plenty of blood(one of the waiters got a mop), swelling and it took me a few days to feel myself again. Apart from sporadic pain in my nose and forehead I thought I was on the mend until yesterday when I came down with tonsillitis(absolutely disgustoid) which meant that my Friday video, newsletter, competition and outfit post all went out the window.

So there you have it folks, not the best run health wise for Lady M but I’m determined that if I stay on the couch(pictured here) and literally don’t move for the next few days I’ll be better in no time. I know you’ve been expecting blog posts and I kind of just disappeared there for a while but at least now you know the cause!