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It’s FASHION yo!

So I’m out and about today, doing normal things like standing in the dairy isle of the supermarket trying to decide between full fat and no fat yoghurt, while on my mobile phone when I feel a sense of movement behind me.
I look down to find a little girl who has done a full lap around me, and is now standing in front of me, peering up at me like this:

In the most divine manner, her look said it all: ‘WHAT.THE.HELL.ARE.YOU.WEARING?!’

In particular she gave close inspection to my hair, I was amazed she didn’t try to touch it to see if it was real. I didn’t mean to laugh at her, but I was instantly brought into a fit of laughter at how ridiculous and foreign I must have looked in her 6 year old mind.
Then she walked off snatching looks over her shoulder as if to say, ‘I’m watching you!’
Anyhow, I had this on, minus the heels, plus a pair of ballet flats.

Made my day!

Top: H&M
Skirt: It was a gift!
Ribbed tights: Platinum
Heels: Ebay
Jewellery: Mouche
Beauty note: I have ‘Cutie Pink’ nail polish from Revlon on, and ‘Trolley Dolley’ lip gloss from Chi Chi.