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Old but New

This dress is old as in I bought it second hand on eBay and it was probably made in the late 1970s, but that I’ve had it for a few years.
It’s been on the blog before, but I cut the sleeves off recently and it’s like having a new dress. I’ve put it on eBay and the Etsy shop but no one wanted it so now I’ve decided to keep it.
These cute little leather ballet flats are new, I picked them up on sale at Lion in Love in Flinders Lane.
Such a cute shop, reminds me so much of shopping in Hong Kong, just with exaggerated price tags. I got these for $69 but I remember seeing them when they were new for about $100 more than that.
Most of the stuff in the shop is from Hong Kong or China, and I generally love everything but refuse to pay the jacked up prices they ask. $269 for a vinyl bag? I don’t think so!
Mainly though I think it’s because I’ve travelled to the place where they buy most of their stock and know just how much they pay for it. I understand capitalism enough to realise that in order to make a profit you add your own mark up to wholesale goods(world bank here I come) , but a $40AUS bag bought in Hong Kong and resold here for $269AUS is ludicrous.
I’d love to know what you all think.
My main ethos when shopping is that I will pay for the quality, whether it is considered a cheap or expensive item. That’s why there is everything from Chanel to op-shop in my wardrobe. The label is not important to me, how the garment was made and how long it will last is.
Dress: eBay
Bag: MNG, Barcelona
Flats: Lion in Love
Heart pendants: Lady Melbourne
Pendant: Chanel