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This goes with that….

Back to normal programming today, I think some of you were quite shocked to log on and see a pair of ugg boots yesterday!

So there is a chain store I suppose you could call it here in Australia called Sussan. As a comparison it would sit somewhere between Next, Marcs & Spencer and FCUK in the UK, for American readers I’m not sure so perhaps one of you can enlighten me.
Of late it has followed the trend that many other middle of the road womens’ chain stores have and refocussed it’s designs to become more ‘fashion forward’ as they say.
I suppose in order to capture a new/younger market, particularly in these tough economic times.
Anyhow, I’m telling you all this because it’s not somewhere I would normally shop but as I walked past the other day I noticed big red signs with 50% off storewide. Who am I to refuse a bargain?
I had no idea I would find these gems in store, when I say refocus their designs I mean have done a 180 degree turn around since the last time I shopped there.
On top of that, the grand total of the shirt, lace vest, and scarf-come-curtain tie was $217.
I paid $59 on sale.
Happy days!

Happy Friday!