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And so it begins: Spirit of the Black Dress Launch @ Georges

L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival hasn’t officially begun, but there have been parades, openings and parties almost every night this week.
Spirit of the Black Dress launch was no exception, and what a tidy little party it was. Tullia Jack put together an amazing event but the highlight and kudos has to go to the designers who once again have showed that there is a plethora of young design Australian talent.
It was nearly impossible to get near all of them, but the few that I spoke to were brimming with excitement at being involved with an event that will no doubt be a fixture of LMFF’s calendar for years to come.
In a similar vein to the Oak off Chapel launch last week, I’m really proud to present the designers and finalists in this competition as no doubt they are what you will be seeing on the catwalks and clothing racks any day now.
Are you on the list?
Myself and Tullia Jack, Project Director
Melissa Mahony dress

Divine Kyra from Pybus PR. Boho done correctly.
Me with a Michelle Czech dress. This unbelievable dress was made from two pure wool jumpers Michelle found at Savers in Dandenong. Amazing.
Marita & Joe Saba, competition judge
Justin, myself and Rebecca from Bam Brands.

How insanely divine are these sisters? Love.

Designer Alexis Belcher with her dress.
Stylist Philip Boon and I.