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Button n’ Thread

  love blog shops, I love shopping online and I love it even more when I find something that is affordable and stylish. So when Button n’ Thread came a knocking saying, ‘Lady M, that’s us!’ I was pretty happy because there are soooo many online shopping portals these days I’m not even sure where to start sometimes.

Anyhow I wore this dress in yesterdays post and had emails, tweets and even texts from friends saying, ‘WHERE DID YOU GET THAT DRESS?!’ I think it’s the sleeves right? There is something appealing about the soft volume I think. Anyhow, it’s a Button n’ Thread creation, as is the little cardi of which the sleeves are the same pattern.

I’ve got my eye on the Lady Legging print tank but I can’t decide between grey or pale pink…or white for that matter. Help!