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What to wear to a…..matinee

ff to the theatre I went today with MM to see ‘West Side Story’ which is one of my favourite musicals of all time. I wasn’t that impressed with the production design or costuming but the music is just so wonderful.

Anyhow, I’ve always found it easier to dress for the theatre in the evening rather than a matinee, but decided that a dress was a sort of, all-in-one solution as to what to wear. There were people there in jeans and trainers, I suppose these days dressing up for the theatre isn’t seen as a social necessity. I didn’t get a pic of my trench and scarf but you can see them peeking through in the detail shot.

Dress: Vintage
Bag: Top Shop
Heels: Verali
Ring: Diva
Scarf: Forever New
Trench: Zara