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January Reading

ver January I usually end up buying myself more books than usual in the hope that it will be ‘slower’ and I’ll get more time to read. It results more often than not in me having enough books for February as well but still I buy the books.

I’ve got 3 waiting for me in the PO BOX from bookdepository.co.uk, but this is some stuff I’ve picked up at my local Book Grocer and from fishpond.com.au.

The Puffin Postcards isn’t actually a book but I couldn’t resist- if you love stationery, old postcards or book covers you will LOVE this set of 100 postcards from Puffin covers. I intended to send them out as correspondence cards but right now I can’t bear to part with them!

Postcards from Puffin: One Hundred Puffin Covers in one book, Puffin
The Lover, Marguerite Dumas
Romola, George Eliot
John Broadley’s Books, John Broadley
Blog Melbourne, Colin Hutson/Telegram Paper
Three Seconds, Roslund and Hellstrom