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Happy Pants

Well, last week was a little bit dismal outfit post wise wouldn’t you say? While it is an odd thing that I do(taking photos of yourself and putting them on the internet 5 days a week) I am committed to it and last week things really weren’t up to scratch. So despite the fact that it is fashion week and I will be running around like a headless chook, I do intend to make it up to you with daily outfit posts on top of fashion week coverage. How’s that!

This morning I attended a business breakfast as part of  Melbourne Spring Fashion Week and the theme was ‘Talk the Talk.’ I heard Billie Iveson from Russh magazine, Erik Levoine from Vice and Lucy Feagins from The Design Files speak about the convergence of print and online media, particularly in the fashion industry.

I do intend to write on what I heard this morning, but this post is dedicated to what I wore. I bought these pants at Tree of Life(online store for you overseas readers, huzzah!) with the idea that as they were palazzo they would be sort of, business like. As mentioned previously on the blog, why I get these ideas about putting items of clothing with events is something I haven’t even worked out yet, but when I saw these they just screamed: business breakfast.

Something tells me with spring around the corner I’ll be able to wear them to more than just breakfast, of any variety really!

What I’m wearing:

Pants: Tree of Life
Tank: Vintage
Leather bag: ASOS
Heels: Parker Roche from Marie Claire Shoes
Sunnies: Chanel